Tuesday, April 23, 2013

meh day

Had a bad day today. Just was in a 'meh' mood all day, didn't really want to talk to anyone (for the most part, anything that breathed annoyed the crap out of me. LEAVE ME ALONE PEOPLE)

I'm sure I was a treat -- I do pat myself on the back for recognizing my foul mood/perma scowl and tried to avoid people by working (hiding) in offices where people wouldn't find me.

Left work right at 5:00, and thought perhaps a trip to the gym would help alleviate my terrible mood before I got home. No dice. My gym (population 1.5 billion) has decided they need to build a parking ramp, and apparently that means that they must close the parking lot during primetime.


So I came home, and for the first time in about 900 days there happened to be sun... I decided to run outside. Let's just be clear... there are very few things in life I despise more than running. In fact, besides Mondays, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I do hate more.

However, when I got home from this little run, I did feel a little better. (probably had nothing to do with the Sephora box on the back step either... )

The highlight of my day, though, was the fact that my team... BEAT the Kings tonight. I came into the game with a bad attitude (par for the course today) and it ended with a big fat 'W.' That plus a glass (or 3) of wine really picked me up. What picks you up?

That's all folks.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

thoughts for boston

well, i wrote this and forgot to post it!

wow. what a crazy day...

I can't believe what happened to all those innocent people in Boston. Can't even imagine crossing the finish line of a marathon -- one moment that you will proud of for the rest of your life -- and have bombs go off...

who does that? what a terrible person whoever it was.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

hair 911

After the great hair debocle of 2013 -- i'm a little apprehensive about getting my hair done again. (BUT IT NEEDS IT... BAD!!)  I didn't think what i asked for was too much to big of an ask...

Exhibit A:

However, I ended up with a reddish orange color, with a hot blonde streak in the front. (and by blonde i mean piss yellow) So I ended up having to disguise my hair the next day for work (curled and parted the opposite way) and of course i show up in my work's social media pictures that day. Sigh.

In any case, I ended up going dark brown to fix the mess, in which has faded to a lighter brown. I had planned on going lighter for summer since my hair is naturally blonde-ish and being up at the cabin most of the summer, blonde would be hard to maintain. This seems like a happy step in the right direction.... now where to go is the question.



Monday, April 1, 2013

april fools

I spent all day waiting to get tricked, which wound up being for nothing! The only tricky action i got was at the Wild game, where they lost 1-4. Idiots.

Just a typical Monday -- nothing terrible, but yet nothing exciting happened. Work has kind of been 'down' lately -- the whole company feels it I think. Hopefully, warm weather will bring more work and even more happy hours.

Speaking of happy hours, I have one setup with my girl Sarah tomorrow. We were roommates for 6 months in England and I haven't seen her in FOREVER. I can't wait to catch up!

I accidentally did some shopping today at work. I bought a couple work out shirts and a new work bag... but in my defense, it was 40% off. Come on, that's practically free :)

Big client meeting tomorrow, I have to go find a 'business' outfit. Perhaps I'll take some pics tomorrow if i have time. Don't hold your breath. Until next time...


me and sarah in Edinburgh, Scotland - i was having a meltdown due to being claustrophobic.