Tuesday, April 23, 2013

meh day

Had a bad day today. Just was in a 'meh' mood all day, didn't really want to talk to anyone (for the most part, anything that breathed annoyed the crap out of me. LEAVE ME ALONE PEOPLE)

I'm sure I was a treat -- I do pat myself on the back for recognizing my foul mood/perma scowl and tried to avoid people by working (hiding) in offices where people wouldn't find me.

Left work right at 5:00, and thought perhaps a trip to the gym would help alleviate my terrible mood before I got home. No dice. My gym (population 1.5 billion) has decided they need to build a parking ramp, and apparently that means that they must close the parking lot during primetime.


So I came home, and for the first time in about 900 days there happened to be sun... I decided to run outside. Let's just be clear... there are very few things in life I despise more than running. In fact, besides Mondays, I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I do hate more.

However, when I got home from this little run, I did feel a little better. (probably had nothing to do with the Sephora box on the back step either... )

The highlight of my day, though, was the fact that my team... BEAT the Kings tonight. I came into the game with a bad attitude (par for the course today) and it ended with a big fat 'W.' That plus a glass (or 3) of wine really picked me up. What picks you up?

That's all folks.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

thoughts for boston

well, i wrote this and forgot to post it!

wow. what a crazy day...

I can't believe what happened to all those innocent people in Boston. Can't even imagine crossing the finish line of a marathon -- one moment that you will proud of for the rest of your life -- and have bombs go off...

who does that? what a terrible person whoever it was.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

hair 911

After the great hair debocle of 2013 -- i'm a little apprehensive about getting my hair done again. (BUT IT NEEDS IT... BAD!!)  I didn't think what i asked for was too much to big of an ask...

Exhibit A:

However, I ended up with a reddish orange color, with a hot blonde streak in the front. (and by blonde i mean piss yellow) So I ended up having to disguise my hair the next day for work (curled and parted the opposite way) and of course i show up in my work's social media pictures that day. Sigh.

In any case, I ended up going dark brown to fix the mess, in which has faded to a lighter brown. I had planned on going lighter for summer since my hair is naturally blonde-ish and being up at the cabin most of the summer, blonde would be hard to maintain. This seems like a happy step in the right direction.... now where to go is the question.



Monday, April 1, 2013

april fools

I spent all day waiting to get tricked, which wound up being for nothing! The only tricky action i got was at the Wild game, where they lost 1-4. Idiots.

Just a typical Monday -- nothing terrible, but yet nothing exciting happened. Work has kind of been 'down' lately -- the whole company feels it I think. Hopefully, warm weather will bring more work and even more happy hours.

Speaking of happy hours, I have one setup with my girl Sarah tomorrow. We were roommates for 6 months in England and I haven't seen her in FOREVER. I can't wait to catch up!

I accidentally did some shopping today at work. I bought a couple work out shirts and a new work bag... but in my defense, it was 40% off. Come on, that's practically free :)

Big client meeting tomorrow, I have to go find a 'business' outfit. Perhaps I'll take some pics tomorrow if i have time. Don't hold your breath. Until next time...


me and sarah in Edinburgh, Scotland - i was having a meltdown due to being claustrophobic.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

happy easter!

Hopefully everyone had as good as Easter as I did -- though it was a lot of running around. I hit both grandparents AND my parents houses. Lots of food and laughs with family I don't get to see to often.

The rest of the weekend seriously FLEW by. The birthday party on Friday night was fun, and we ended up going to the Wild game Saturday night; and they beat the defending Stanley Cup LA Kings.

I'm home now freaking out about the upcoming week because it is so busy; work wise as well as evenings and weekends. When I have a slammed schedule it stresses me out and therefore I get crabby. I need to schedule myself some 'me' time and make sure i'm still keeping my gym routine and eating healthy. It seems much easier to stop by Taco Bell than to make dinner but is so terrible. We also have a lot to do around the house and P isn't as helpful as he thinks he is. I've started to leave him To-Do lists, per his request, so i didn't have to remind or nag him. The lists haven't been a huge success and i'm not sure what else to do.

Any suggestions for getting loved ones to help around the house.... WOULD. BE. AWESOME :)


Thursday, March 28, 2013

next to me


i'm FINALLY starting to feel better. Just in time for the weekend conveniently. so everything i've put off all week can get done. woof.

I had an interesting night : happy hour with an old and current co-worker which turned into late evening drinks talking about new opportunities which leaves me thinking what i want to do with my life.

Don't get me wrong : I love my job, I love my co-workers and I have been more than blessed with my job. I started there as an young intern who literally had no idea what they wanted yet were trusted with big things. If I ever left here, I'd not only be leaving a great experience but even better people, which is what has been keeping me here 100%. But at what point does bigger salary outweigh that?

I'm not sure -- and have a feeling i'm going to learn the hard way. Advertising is not a business where you stay at one place and keep advancing monetary wise, unfortunately.

Anyways, I decided today that i'm in search of the following:

Spring Jacket
New shoes to wear with boot cut / flared jeans (boat shoes? loafers? HELP!!!)
A new work bag



Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I'm listening to Justin Timberlake's new cd at the moment, the song Mirrors to be specific- pretty good. Suit and Tie is still my favorite, which is strange because I hated it the first 10 times I heard it. I guess it grew on me...

Health update -- still sick, but had a facial after work today, which seemed to help a lot. (i'm sure the esthetician loved have snuffle-upagus in there) The mixture of hot towels on my face and chest along with a a longgg face/shoulder rub, I left feeling like i'm on the upswing.

I'm sure tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. will beg to differ.

Things about the facial that surprised me:

  • It was done topless. Obviously have a sheet to cover up, but I wasn't expecting that. It was nice though because she was rubbin creams and shit all over my arms, shoulders, ears, back etc.
  • The first mask didn't feel great. She said it would tingle and burn a little because it was eating away at dead skin. uh... ok.
  • The extractions took like 5 seconds because she literally did like 6. And they didn't hurt. Come on lady, there has gotta be more things to pop than that!
  • How relaxed I actually got - she went to move my arm to massage, and I about jumped through the ceiling. Equal to, or more relaxing than the actual massage I got last month. (to be fair -- the guy giving me that was not gay and super creepy.)
Anyone else have facial experiences? Did you break out after? That's what i'm scared of.

Let me know!


Monday, March 25, 2013


It has came and conquered, friends, I've caught the sickness. Unfortunately, my screwdriver cure yesterday did NOT get the job done.

Nose, head, ears, throat, body aches. You name it, it probably hurts. I had some chicken noodle soup after the gym (thought i could sweat it out... bad idea) along with a gatorade. Been on the couch ever since. Luckily, there is a hockey game to keep me entertained.

Busy week ahead of me this week...

Tuesday : facial after work
Wednesday: volunteering
Thursday: happy hour
Friday: birthday party
Saturday: dinner at my parents
Sunday: up north for Easter.

Woof. I need to get better, like, yesterday.

Hopefully a good night sleep + nyquil will nip this thing in the bud. Here's to wishful thinking.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

oh, what a night

Girls night last night was a success! We went to a movie (Admission - don't recommend it.. at all) and had drinks and apps after and then came back to my house to hang out. (aka drink more) The big news of the night... S asked us to be bridesmaids in her wedding! Should be super fun - the 3 of us have been close friends since 10th grade.

The bad news is, I am getting sick. Woke up with a sore throat and it's not going away. Don't worry though -- I'm drying to kill it off with screwdrivers.

Not kidding.

I am also making a fancy pants dinner tonight - just because. Parmesan crusted chicken, spaghetti squash and a lettuce salad. Fingers crossed it turns out because it was kind of a lot of work and I'm freaking sta-ving.

Happy Sunday everyone. Hopefully you have sweatpants and drink.

Friday, March 22, 2013

dog days are over

It's the weeeeeeekend! THANK GOD!

I had an all day shoot with clients today, which made the day go by fast but it. was. exhausting. I finally mixed myself an iron butterfly at 3:00 to get me through the rest of the day.

Received my new purse today which is better than I had hoped --- slightly bigger too which I'm not sure how I feel about yet. Pics to come!

Company [and by company i mean family - they serve themselves] just left and I have the house to myself for the first time in awhile -- not sure if i want to wach trashy tv or a girly movie. #firstworldproblems.

I am hoping to go shopping this weekend. I have been holding back on spring shopping since it's been so cold here lately, it's not very fun to buy clothes for a season that seems so far away. Ugh.

I hope everyone has a good weekend, full of drinks, laundry and sweatpants like mine hopefully will :)


Thursday, March 21, 2013

ain't no rest for the wicked

When it rains it pours -- last week I was complaining and begging for things to do at work. This week has been fairly crazy; which I love. Just never seems to be a 'normal' amount of work going on.  Can't win em' all, I guess.

Impromptu girls night at my place Saturday night with my two friends from high school / college, which i'm looking forward to.

Things I'm Hating This Thursday:
// march madness [basically all things basketball... don't get me started]
// passive aggressive winky faces in the work place [seriously]
// folding socks [especially socks that aren't mine]

Things I'm Loving This Thursday:
// spring clothes [sick of my wardrobe... and boots]
// HBO tv [amiright?]
// Chinese food [despite the shitty fortune... please]

I decided today I need another vacation... preferably to Europe. send money.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

hump day

Happy hump day!

I cannot wait for the weekend! We actually have no plans and will be home (hopefully without company) for the first time in weeks.

Bit of a crazy day today -- was at lunch with a college friend, and was showing him the app we have for the home security system we have (p also works for it) and was showing the in-home camera and as it was panning from the front door to the back, I saw that the freezer was open. WIDE OPEN.


Long story short, I had to run home, take a call from my house, and then head back to the office. I was extremely annoyed to say the least. I've concluded that we either have ghosts, too many groceries or P didn't notice it wasn't closed all the way.

Anyways, I ordered a new purse today :

Super excited to get that on Friday -- good way to kick start the weekend!

Hockey is on!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

losing my mind

So, I finally get my ass to the gym today which was not an easy feat. Parking took no less than 24 minutes -- I only had to honk once, glare a handful of times but no one received any hand gestures.

This time.

Anyways, get inside, find a locker -- start to change and realize I had 3 sports bras, 3 tank tops and a jacket but no shorts. After contemplating working out in my tights, I realized I would probably die of death glares from the lululemon robots before I'd die from skipping a Tuesday workout so I headed home.

Enjoying a nice glass Malbec and watching some tv instead. And yes, that means I broke my 'no drinking' attempt. But it's wine, so that doesn't really count... right?

FOLLOW UP: My coconut-oil-treated hair was a friggan oily mess this morning. I was slightly terrified I wouldn't be able to wash it all out in the shower this morning and then what would I do for the client presentation today. I don't think any hats I own would have sufficed with a skirt and blazer....  However, after a double shampoo it all came out. AND I was complimented on how shiny my hair looked today. WOOP!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Booze, snow and coconut oil

After this past weekend, I decided my body would fare well from taking a break from hitting the sauce. I'm by no means relient on booze to get through the day -- but let's be real, it helps. I'm constantly around drinks though -- working in advertising where it's ok to have a drink (or two) during lunch or mixing something up at the office bar etc... P usually has a drink when he gets home, especially if we're watching hockey.

Regardless -- i'm going to try to take it easy this week and see if my body thanks me.

In other news, we were so lucky to have more snow dumped on us today along with semi-frigid temps and some intense wind. WHEN. IS. SPRING. COMING?


I also tried coconut oil in my hair today -- not sure how I feel about it... might stick with just cooking with it.

 Anyone have any tips for using it in your hair? Let me know!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

wine from a box

Happy Thursday!

Today was by the far the best day of the week -- work was worth my while  which makes the day go by much faster.  I had a nice HH after and am now home in my hockey jersey and sweatpants watching hockey and drinking wine from a box. Obviously, as classy as you can get up in here.

Things I hate today:
// snow in march (enough said)
// apple maps (worthless)
// being pale (bough a new spray tan mist -- review to come)

Little distracted by the game tonight. We need to win to stay on top!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

First Post!


First blog post, get excited people.

You will soon be submersed into a world of sarcastic and self musings by yours truly. The idea of a blog seemed like a good idea, perhaps my friends will like the break this gives them from entertaining my thoughts for so long.

Who knows.